All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in total
Bonus: We Are All Kosh - Preview - Babylon 5 (Season 1 Ep 0) - The Gathering
This show is available to stream for free on Tubi or with a paid subscription on Amazon Prime. Tube has the version of The Gathering we watched but it's listed as the ...

Lexx (Season 2 Ep 7) - "Love Grows"
This is the last Lexx episode for a while. We are taking a temporary break until I feel like we can devote Lexx the kind of humor and grace it deserves.

Lexx (Season 2 Ep 6) - "Stan's Trial"
Oh look, an episode that includes LORE. We learn more about Stan's Arch-heretic status and he finally faces some consequences for his legendary survival instincts. Wil...

Lexx (Season 2 Ep 5) - "Lafftrak"
Rachel and Matt discuss Lexx 2.5 - "Lafftrak". Please enjoy the sound of our daughter having a REALLY GOOD TIME in the background :)In "Lafftrak," the fifth episode of...

Lexx (Season 2 Ep 4) - "Luvliner"
On this weeks episode of The Dead Do Not Podcast we discuss Season 2, episode 4 of Lexx - "Luvliner"On board Lexx, a transmission is received advertising a pleasure sh...

Lexx (Season 2 Ep 3) - "Lyekka"
On this weeks episode of The Dead Do Not Podcast: A Lexx Rewatch, our intrepid heroes meet yet another plant woman who just wants to eat men after seducing them into i...

Bonus - Ger Can Get It: "The Second Gerthering Trip Recap"
This is a long one, folks.Tune in to find out what we were up to in Stratford, Ontario, and whether our grand experiment in overdosing on GWD content worked as desired...

Lexx (Season 2 Ep 2) - "Terminal"
In our triumphant return to the world of Lexx, Matt and Rachel discuss the second episode in the second season of Lexx! After pining for Kai in her woefully underutili...

Lexx (Season 2 Ep 1) - "Mantrid"
We had way too much fun for me to scrap this audio but it was CLOSE. I haven't been this conflicted since the legendary "Highlander" episode of Strange and Beautiful B...

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 4) - "Giga Shadow" - Part 2 of 2

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 4) - "Giga Shadow" - Part 1 of 2
The first part of the last episode is Lexx's exciting season 1! The Lexx is returning to the cluster (despite not being able to back through the fractal core like thre...

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 3) - "Eating Pattern" - Part 2 of 2
Part 2 of 2 of our discussion of the third episode in the first season of Lexx - "Eating Patten"Can Kai save everyone again? Probably. Will he die while doing it? Neve...

Vacation Announcement - July 2024 - Please Listen!
Matt and Rachel are headed out on the road! Please listen for information on which shows will be on break until October!Strange and Beautiful Book Club - On break unti...

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 3) - "Eating Pattern" - Part 1 of 2
Rutger Hauer is this weeks surprise guest star (on the episode of Lexx anyways) as our heroes are taken to a trash planet by the starving Lexx and they find more adven...

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 2) - "Super Nova" - Part 2 of 2
Matt and Rachel discuss the second part of the second episode of the first season of Lexx! Will our crew escape from Brunnis ... intact? Will Kai make more amazingly d...

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 2) - "Super Nova" - Part 1 of 2
We discuss Season 1, Episode 2 of Lexx (or at least part of it). Honestly, listen to it for the part where I try to get Matt to describe the shower head.

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 1) - "I Worship His Shadow" - Part 2 of 2
Matt and Rachel wrap up the first, exciting.. dare I say titivating episode of Lexx - "I Worship His Shadow"

Lexx (Season 1 Ep 1) - I Worship His Shadow - Part 1 of 2
We tackle the pilot episode of Lexx! We've got an eclectic cast of characters to assemble and Lexx wastes no time in throwing the audience in just what kind of body ho...